Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are your business hours?
A: We do not currently have open business hours. Instead, we are open when you need us, with appointments available 7 days a week!
Q: How much is shipping?
A: We don't offer a flat rate for shipping, it depends on the size and weight of the shipment, where it is going, and how quickly the items are needed.
Q: What happens if I decide to not keep the items that are shipped to me?
A: We ask that you immediately return all items you are certain you are not keeping. However, we allow items to be kept for up to seven days if they are being considered, or if you need to show them to your trainer or tailor.
Q: Does my credit card get charged immediately when you ship an item for review?
A: No charges are immediately applied to any CREDIT card, we merely authorize the total amount of the shipment. However, please be aware that Pre-Authorizing shipments on a DEBIT card will result in your financial institution placing a hold on funds in your checking account for the total amount of the shipment.
Q: Are all items available in your shop pictured on your website?
A: There are many items available that you actually cannot see on the website. For instance, we have a full display case of jewelry, lapel pins, number magnets, and over 3,000 neckties! We also do not picture jobs, socks, purses, job straps, casual barn clothing, and a full line of painted ponies.
Q: If I don’t see an item I’m looking for on the website, what should I do?
A: We encourage all our customers to call us directly and ask if they don't see something they are looking for on our website.